
About the Blog: This is where I talk about books. I mainly read classics, non-fiction, and historical fiction.

About Me: I'm an undergraduate college student studying English. I was recently married to the best man in the world. My non-book hobbies include cooking, watching movies, and spending time with my husband.

Favorite books: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, Othello by Shakespeare, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yay Gone With the Wind!! That's my favorite book. :)

    1. I know! It gets a lot of criticism, but it's really such a great book.

  2. Emily,
    It's me, Ruth @ A Great Book Study, and I have been nominated for the Liebster Award at my blog; now I must pass it on to my favorite bloggers. Hence, I have nominated you. If you would like to participate, you may find the info at this link: http://greatbookstudy.blogspot.com/2014/03/liebster-award.html
    ~ Ruth

  3. Hello! I just noticed that you've been nominated for the Liebster Award already, and I just wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for it as well (http://majoringinliterature.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/liebster-award/). It's really great to hear the opinions of a fellow lit major, and I really enjoy your blog. :)
