Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You didn't think it could get more exciting around here, did you?

Well, it's about to. 

Today (or maybe tomorrow, if I keep procrastinating) I am going to take my final exam for my American Literary History class. And then it will officially be over! 

I have loved every minute (well, almost) of this class. It's gotten me out of my shell and introduced me to some wonderful American authors whose work I'm excited to explore more. It's taught me to be more open-minded and more critical of classic works. And I've read a lot of great poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. 

This class was my last 200-level (sophomore level) class to take for my major. Now, I get to move on to 300-level classes! You know what that means, don't you? 

It means I'm halfway through! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I can almost feel the degree in my hands! 

(I always picture my degree as a rolled-up scroll of yellowed parchment, tied elegantly with a ribbon. But I know it's just a piece of paper with fancy gold lettering on it that I get to pay a fortune to have framed. Hooray.) 

But of course, the degree is not the main goal of my time here at college. The goal is a wonderful education. And to be honest, as fun as literary history is, sometimes it focuses a little more on the history part than I would like. (I do like history, but I prefer my literature classes to focus on the actual literature, you know?) I guess what I'm trying to say is, I've loved my literary history classes, but I'm ready to move on to better, brighter things. 

So, next term is going to be absolutely wild with excitement! I'm taking two classes I've been looking forward to since my freshman year: Shakespeare and Creative Writing. Two English classes, and not a single General Ed class to get in the way! (And hopefully, I won't suffer from too many difficult classes, because I will only be taking 6 credits, which is very reasonable for a summer term at BYU.) 

Well, I could probably ramble on about this for several more paragraphs, but I'll spare you. But this time, I'm going to actually write about my Shakespeare adventures (and maybe even creative writing adventures, who knows?) here on the blog, instead of waiting until the last couple of weeks of class to be brave enough to try writing about anything I read for class. (I still have a post on Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" to share with you. I know, you're dying with anticipation.) 

Summer classes start Monday. I can't wait! 


  1. I'm looking forward to reading about your Shakespeare adventures! That was my favourite module in my degree and I am a complete Shakespeare nerd :)

    Good luck in your final exam! It does all feel worth it when you do get to have that degree in your hands (even if it is a fake rolled up parchment degree used for the photos!).

    1. Thank you! I think it went okay...hopefully. Ha, ha. I'm certainly looking forward to that degree!

  2. I loved my Creative Writing and Shakespeare classes! Hope yours rock, and can't wait to hear about them :-)
